Welcome to Courier - Avon and Somerset Police's public and colleague Messages platform.

Courier allows you to message members of the public or colleagues with information to help with policing.

This could include (but is not limited to):

Courier uses the internet to distribute messages and is therefore not accredited to send protectively marked information. Personal information should be communicated in a secure manner outside of the Courier system.


Force procedural and Authorised Professional Practice guidance is available on Pocketbook and outlines your responsibilities and appropriate conduct when using this, and other, IT systems. This includes the:

Misconduct issues will be handled as a local management issue, and/or depending on the nature of the misuse/misconduct, it may also be referred to the Professional Standards Department.

Be aware that any information you put on Courier can be viewed by the Data Protection Team, the Professional Standards Department and is potentially disclosable under the Freedom of Information Act.